
Sunday, September 10, 2006

articles on artificial intelligence

At last i found what i wanted more of. Found articles on artificial intelligence, and 118 of them, ranging from simple to complex topics.So now i know what will keep me occupied in the coming days.
click here to access the articles
articles on ai


Seems that blogging fever has taken me by its grip completely.i've started another blog about my not-so-intelligent pursuits and hobbies. And its called et-cetera-blog, and i guess you can judge the content by the title, its all about my perceptions, what i think and about the books i go through(not the course ones though).Hope people would find it interesting enough. By the way et-cetera is the root for etc...

Friday, September 08, 2006

men smarter than women by 100 grams

Though i hate to say this , but recent findings have proven the fact that men are in possesion of about 100 grms more brain than women thus leading to an iq difference of about 3.6 ,their cognitive ability is also tremendously affected ,and though the difference doesnt show up in everyday life,it becomes evident. click here to read the whole story on livescience
men smarter than women.